Reflection light design based on the optical prism characteristics

01/13/2014 11:38

There is a glass prism having a light refraction, reflection, total reflection and other optical characteristics. The successful application of the optical prism lighting design, will get a high reflection efficiency possible (up to 95% reflectance, aluminum and the maximum efficiency is 92 %).
Light emitted by the reflection light of aluminum and then a secondary reflection refraction greatly change the divergent angle of the luminous lamp through a glass prism, so that the surface brightness of the lamp, the brightness of the irradiation surface actual visual brightness compared with each other linear relationship. Such a process designed to avoid the narrow and flat glass with aluminum reflector of light, monotonous, reducing the high glare of lamps.
Glass and PC materials, the polyester material which does not have the characteristics of the electrostatic adsorption, effectively prevent fine dust, parasites or adsorbed lamp shade reflector surface, to enhance the utilization factor of the side of the lamp ; while a poor conductor of heat, inorganic material highly resistant to corrosion and acid resistant avoided due to temperature changes or aging of materials to produce a substantial decrease in the utilization factor of the characteristics of the lamp. Therefore, lamps, whether during the day or night can maintain its unique crystal clear and beautiful feeling.
Generally in outdoor lighting will use three materials to produce reflector, two of which belong to the heat acrylic and polycarbonate plastics, another frequently used material is borosilicate glass.
Plastics and glass products are with great distinction. Acrylic and polycarbonate are all organic compounds; the use of the outdoor environment will encounter irradiation of light and heat from the lamps light itself and the outdoor environment deterioration of aging phenomena, most species lead to complete damage. The glass products under normal use do not appear to be happening.
The performance of a material using the most scientific assessment should be in the normal environment, through the use of a certain time and then the various physical and chemical indicators of material to be tested, but not in its brand new unused state.
In the case of the same thickness, the test sample is selected. Impact -resistant strength extruded, acrylic and polycarbonate materials will be better than borosilicate glass. By lumen output directly affect reflection lights also use effect. In case no other medium by direct observation by the naked eye, the maximum output of borosilicate glass can reach 92% of the total. When translucent material not reach a certain effect, when it is no longer suitable for use as a reflection.